Friday, November 30, 2012



Glass rained down from all directions, harsh white light was refracted by the shards, spraying fragmented rainbows all around. Everything was moving in slow motion, and he couldn't feel the jagged shards cutting his face. He was deaf to the world, and the glass shards were falling in continually smaller numbers, leaving only the light. He felt his mind slipping, and the light grew more intense, slowly obsuring everything around him. "Is this what it feels like to die..." He mumbled as everything faded into harsh white nothing.

Jordan snapped out of his sleep, already the memory of the light was fading, he began to think it a dream until he saw the partially healed cuts coving his exposed arms. He was sitting in a pure white room with no windows and no door that he could see. He was laying in a bed dressed with pristine white sheets, and he was hooked up to some kind of hospital equipment. However, this was like no hospital he had ever seen. He now remembered the glass, but he couldn't remember anything leading up to it, or how he had entered this strange room.

Suddenly part of the wall slid open, creating a doorway where there had been solid wall before. Jordan sat up in the bed, but he found that he couldn't move. He couldn't feel anything binding him to the bed, but he was incapable of movement. He began to breath rapidly as a terrible though crossed his mind when a woman dressed in some kind of lab coat walked in and said abruptly, "Don't worry, you're not paralyzed."

Jordan was taken aback, he didn't think he had voiced his thought that he was paralyzed, no, he was sure he hadn't said it.
"Who..." He began before the woman in white cut him off,

"Am I?" No one special, I'm just here to check on you now that you're up.

Jordan opened his mouth to ask another question when she cut him off again.

"Where are you? Sorry but I'm not at liberty to tell you that at the moment.
No, I can't tell you how you got here.
No, i don't know what happened before you showed up, and yes, you will be out of here soon and there will be someone to answer your questions, which you seem to have too many of." She made an expression of intense distaste towards him.

He started again, "but how can..."

"I know your questions before you even open your mouth? That will be my little secret, I don't want to hurt you obviously small mind." She maintained a smirk as she wrote down some number on the various monitors he was hooked up to, and then left the room as quickly as she entered, the wall sliding shut behind her.

* * *

Lord Gregory scowled at the woman in white scrubs, his dark eyes seeming to see her innermost being, "There was no need to be so rude Melissa, not everyone can be as smart as you are, and you must remember he just woke up. Now, go, i have work to do."

Melissa left the room without a word, and Lord Gregory turned back towards his windows watching the students mill about below, and he allowed himself a small chuckle, and spoke a few words to no one in particular.

"The time is almost here."

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